April 12, 2015

Beach vs. Boardwalk: Penguin Viewing in Simon's Town

I love penguins. I'm not entirely sure what it is about them that I find so endearing, but I could happily watch them waddle around for hours! I was so excited when I learned that a large colony of African Penguins (formerly named Jackass Penguins) was just 30 minutes from Nicks' house in Cape Town!

But Nick? Well, he just views them as a nuisance. According to him, they are, and I quote, "noisy, smelly and they've taken over the nicest beach in Cape Town!".

Boardwalk at Foxy BeachView from the boardwalk at Foxy Beach

Unfortunately, for my adorable little friends, this is all true. But depending on when you go and the direction of the wind, you might get lucky on the noise and smell front! And even if you don't...well that's all just part of the experience, eh?